👨🔧 Developer recommended.
If you follow this tutorial, you'll be able to customize your custom domain and remove the Clustdoc branding as much as possible.
• Where does my Custom domain show?
Admin users URL: custom domain will apply to your admin interface (visible to your business users or team members):
Your contacts access URL: But also visible to your end-users:
• Where does my company logo show?
Your Account logo: Your logo will also replace Clustdoc logo in your account with the white-label option
Your end users interface: Your logo will also replace Clustdoc logo on the client-facing interface as shown in the second screenshot above.
• Where does my favicon show?
Your end-users interface: Your favicon will also replace Clustdoc favixcon on the client-facing interface as shown in the screenshot below.
• Login in with a custom domain:
Once you've switched to a custom domain, make sure you inform your team members that they would need to login from a dedicated URL moving forward, the URL would be: