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Items merge fields
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Checklist items merge fields

Merge Field (Copy & Paste)



Lists all the items mentioned in your checklist


Lists the missing items from the checklist


Lists the pending review items from the checklist


Lists all the mandatory items from the checklist


Lists the missing mandatory items from the checklist

These lists will display items that can be visible by end users (stakeholders). If you want to display internal items, just add _INTERNAL to the related merge field. Ex: {ITEMS_ALL_INTERNAL} or {ITEMS_MANDATORY_INTERNAL}

Checklist files merge fields

These merge field will display links to the requested resources. For example, you could add the link to a generated e-contract in an email or the link to a PDF form after the user has filled it in.

Merge Field (Copy & Paste)



Shows the list of the links to all provided files for the item with ID 123


Shows the link to the first file provided for the item with ID 123


Shows the link to the third file provided for the item with ID 123

Where to find an item ID ?

You can find the needed IDs in the item popup.

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