Input masks are a way to constrain data that users enter into form fields and enforce specific formatting. This is suitable for things like phone and credit card numbers, dates and more.
For example, if you ask for EIN, you can make sure that people can only submit properly formatted data - if the format.
In order to accomplish that, you can use Masks in your Clustdoc forms.
How to build a mask
Use the following values to create a mask :
9 : numeric
a : alphabetical
* : alphanumeric (letter or digit)
A few examples
| Example | Mask |
Social Security Number | SSN 123-45-6789 | SSN 999-99-9999 |
Employer Identification | EIN 12-1234567 | EIN 99-9999999 |
5 digits Zip Code | 10001 | 99999 |
10 digits Phone Number | 0122334455 | 9999999999 |
Last 4 digits SSN | 1234 | 9999 |
Adding a Mask
Head over to your Clustdoc form whether it's in a process, a live application or saved in the Toolbox
Scroll to the field where you want to add a mask
Select the Text or Regex type of field
Add the mask into the related field
Predefined options
You can use one of the values below to add a predefined format
Advanced options
Optionnal parts
It is possible to define some parts in the mask as optional. This is done by using [ ].
Ex: (99) 9999[9]-9999
Repeated parts
Repeated parts can change during input. To define a dynamic part use { }.
Ex: aa-9{4}"); //There should be 4 numbers at the end
Ex: aa-9{1,4}"); //The 9 def can be occur 1 to 4 times