Your Clustdoc forms can be added to your workflows. Learn below about form fields.
Available fields for an online form
💡 An online form needs to be added to your onboarding process to be accessible by a contact.
Type | Description |
Header | Allows you to create a title |
Text field |
Good for collecting short answers, like first name or last name |
Text area | Good for collecting answers, like define yourself in 780 words |
Info text | This allows you to add some explanation text in your form |
Multiple Choices | Gives options to choose from. Multiple choices are possible. |
Radio buttons | Gives options to choose from. Only one choice allowed. |
Dropdown | Gives options to choose from. Only one choice allowed. |
Number | Gives options to add a numeric value |
Date Field | Gives the option to pick a date from a calendar |
Repeated fields | Gives the option to create loops for a group of fields |
Page break | Allows you to create page breaks inside your form |
Subform | Allows you to pull into an existing form a group of fields |
Available options within each field
Type | Description |
ID | Field ID |
Required |
Will mark the field as mandatory |
Label | Your field name |
Help text | Text that appears as a tooltip for each field |
Placeholder | The placeholder attribute specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of an input field |
Value |
Allows you to add right away a value in a field (which can be edited afterward) |
Type | Allows you to define the type of field you need: email, URL, text field, Formula or Read-only |
Max Length | Gives options to add a number of character |
Pattern (Regex) | Gives you the option to add regular expressions |
Form Fields Properties
2 columns: You can create in your forms, 2 columns form fields like this one below
Form fields calculation: You can make calculations between form fields (addition, subtraction multiplication, division, and formulas)
In order to make calculations, you can use the field's names or actual field IDs. Learn more here.
How this looks like for end-users
At the top right of each form, you can hit the preview button to see how your form is going to look like for your end-users once they fill it out as part of your process.
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