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How to add external members
Updated over a week ago

How to add external members ?

Step 1. Whitelisting external members

  1. Click on your Profile picture > Settings > Users > External members and manually add the list of contacts who need to access a member portal.


Authorized processes


In the "authorized processes" box, there are 3 options:

1. All your processes (primary stakeholders): It gives access only to the main stakeholders.

2. All procedures (all stakeholders): it gives access to all stakeholders.

3. Custom: you can choose the stakeholders who are allowed to have access to each process. (Eg. In the "ValueFirst" process, the primary stakeholder will not have access).


Step 2. Authorizing external members

Now that you have added an external member, they will receive an email with a temporary password, and then they can create new applications.


💡 Click on the lock to update their access code.

Optional. Tagging applications created by external members

Using the tagging system, you can make sure applications submitted by external members are automatically tagged in your system.

  1. Click on the little gear next to the external member to automatically tag incoming applications and select the authorized process.

If you haven't yet created tags, you can just add them there, the list of tags will show in your list of applications.


The external member experience

  1. Grab the access link of external members

  2. Log on to the interface using an external member email and access the code

You'll see that external members will access a secure member portal where they'll be able to create applications on behalf of anyone else based on your current processes.

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