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How to leverage some automation examples
Updated over a month ago

Discover examples of possible scenarios

Our system allows you to combine 15 triggers with 16 actions, bringing it to a minimum of 240 automations possible with the tool in order to automate your business workflows.

However, we know that sometimes it's a bit challenging to map out the exact type of automation workflow you want, so here are a few examples you can leverage today. These are just suggestions.

Scenario 1: Notifying an end-user when a team member invites them to start the process

Suggested Trigger

When a contact is invited to start an application

Suggested Action

Notify concerned contact (when applicable)


Scenario 2: Notifying an end-user when they register through a portal link

Suggested Trigger

When a contact registers on a portal

Suggested Action

Notify concerned contact (when applicable)


Scenario 3: Notifying an end-user when someone from your team sends a message to them

Suggested Trigger

When a message is sent to a stakeholder

Suggested Action

Notify concerned contact (when applicable)


Scenario 4: Sending a reminder to an end-user, so they complete the application on time


Adding a due date to your process. See here

Suggested Trigger

When an application is created

Suggested Pause

Wait 3 days

Suggested Condition

Missing items > 1

Suggestion Action

Notify concerned contact


Scenario 5: Notifying a team member for approval when a specific step in the checklist is completed

Suggested Trigger

When a new status step is updated in the checklist to 'pending review' (A form in this example)

Suggested Action

Notify team member


Scenario 6: Notifying a team member when another team member completes an internal task associated with the process


List internal tasks in the process Todo section. Learn more here

Suggested Trigger

When an application task is completed

Suggested Action

Notify Team member

Suggested Trigger

When another application task is completed

Suggested Action

Notify another Team member


Scenario 7: Progressing an application, once a team member completes an internal task and notifying the end-user


List internal tasks in the process Todo section. Learn more here

Suggested Trigger

When an application task is completed

Suggested Action

Progress an application

Suggested Pause

Wait 2 days

Suggested action

Notify several stakeholders


Scenario 8: Checking if an application is completed at due date, if not, sending a reminder to end-user


Adding a due date to your process. See here

Suggested Trigger

When an application is created

Suggested Pause

Wait until 1 day before application due date

Suggested Condition

Check if there is any missing item

Suggested Action

Notify several stakeholders


Scenario 9: Creating a shortcut button to send with one click a reminder to an end-user

Suggested Trigger

When a shortcut button is clicked

Suggested Action

Notify several stakeholders


Scenario 10: Sending a reminder to complete an application to end-users every 5 days

Suggested Trigger

When an application is created

Suggested Pause

Wait 5 days

Suggested Condition

Check if there is any missing item

Suggested Action

Notify several stakeholders (if missing items)

Suggested Pause

Wait 5 days

Suggested Condition

Check if there is any missing item

Suggested Action

Notify several stakeholders (if missing items)

Suggested Pause

Wait 5 days

And so on...


Scenario 11: Launching a second workflow upon completion of a first workflow by an end -user


You'll need to have in mind the 2 processes you want to connect. And also use merge fields in the recipient's related fields.

Suggested Trigger

When an application progress stage is updated

Suggested Action

Create a new application

Suggested Action

Notify several stakeholders (only if the second process doesn't have an invitation email)


Scenario 12: Assigning & notifying automatically a stakeholder so they can take action


List all stakeholders potentially involved in your process first. And also collect Fname, Lname & email addresses of related stakeholders (if not known already) in a form so you can use merge fields to fill out this info in the action below.

Suggested Trigger

When a step status is updated in the checklist (Eg. When a form is filled out)

Suggested Action

Assign a new stakeholder

Suggested Action

Notify several stakeholders


Scenario 13: Tagging automatically incoming applications to facilitate team review


Create a list of tags first

Suggested Trigger

When a contact clicks on button <I've finished>

Suggested Condition

And the answer to a form question is 'X'

Suggested Action

Apply tags to application

Suggested Action

Notify specific team members


Scenario 14: Notifying a team member when another team member completes some internal tasks associated with the process


List internal tasks in the process Todo section. Learn more here

Suggested Trigger

When one or several application tasks are completed

Suggested Action

Notify Team member


Scenario 15: Auto-triggering various processes based on a form field answer ( from an initial process)


Having already in mind the list of processes and associated form fields

Suggested Trigger

When the new status of application is Closed

Suggested Condition

Form value is 'XYZ'

Suggested Action

Start a new application

Suggested Condition

Another form value is 'ABC'

Suggestion Action

Start a new application

And so on...


Scenario 16 : Assign a record to a person based on a location

Suggested Trigger

When an application is created

Suggested Condition

When the value of the form field is equal to "Normandy

Suggested Action

Change the person in charge of the application

Scenario 17 : Add the contract to be signed after filling out the form.

Suggested Trigger

When the status of the "Form" step becomes approved

Suggested Action

Generate the files for the "sign the contract" steps

Scenario 18 : Modify the closing date following a pre-validation.

Suggested Trigger

When the status of the application becomes "pre-approved"

Suggested action

Change the deadline of the file

Scenario 19 : Pre-validate a file and notify the concerned contributor.

Suggested Trigger

When a stakeholder is asked to complete an application

Suggested Action

Notify the concerned stakeholder

Suggested Condition

The status of the element "information sheet to be filled" is equal to "in progress".

Suggested Action

Pre-validate the steps

Scenario 20 : Name the application according to the full name of the client

Suggested Trigger

When an application is created

Suggested Action

Change the application title to the full name of the contact: {CONTACT_FULLNAME}

Scenario 21 : Make a reminder by clicking on a custom button.

Suggested Trigger

When clicking on the custom "Send Reminder" button

Suggested action

Notify stakeholders

Scenario 22 : Notify a contributor when a task of a specific step has been completed.

Suggested Trigger

When the "validate" task of the "identity card" step has been completed

Suggested Action

Change the status of the application to "pre-approved

Suggested Action

Notify the concerned stakeholder

Scenario 23 : Modify the visibility of a step based on the validation of an element of the application.

Suggested condition

When the "form" is approved

If yes: Suggested action

Modify the visibility of a step by stakeholders

If no: Suggested pause

Wait up to 2 days before the deadline of the stage

Suggested action

Notify the person responsible for the application

Scenario 24 : Change the application title according to the company name

Suggested Trigger

When an application is created

Suggested Action

Rename application : {CONTACT_COMPANY}

Scenario 25 : Rename the application according to the creation date.

Suggested Trigger

When an application is created

Suggested Action

Rename application : {DOSSIER_CREATED_AT}

Scenario 26 : Notify when a message is sent to a stakeholder.

Suggested Trigger

When a message is sent to a stakeholder (primary)

Suggested Action

Notify concerned contact (when applicable)

Scenario 27 : Automatically pre-validate a step when an attachment is submitted.

Suggested Trigger

When an attachment is added to a live application

Suggested Action

Prevalidate items

Scenario 28 : Notify stakeholders when the application’s owner changes and the application is already in progress.

Suggested Trigger

When the owner of the application is changed

Suggested Condition

The status of application equals to “in progress”

Suggested Action

Notify concerned contact

Scenario 29 : Changing the status of the chacklist when a new step is created.

Suggested Trigger

When a new step is added to the application checklist

Suggested Condition

Status of application equals to “pre-approved”

Suggested Action

Change status of application to “in progress”

Scenario 30 : Notifying the application’s manager after a step status change.

Suggested Trigger

When a step status is updated in the checklist

Suggested Pause

Wait until 1 day after this event

Suggested Action

Notify the owner of application

Scenario 31 : If information is missing, rename the application according to another information.

Suggested Condition

The value of expression {CONTACT_FULLNAME} is empty

Suggested Action

Rename application with a new title : {CONTACT_COMPANY}

Scenario 32 : Change the status of the "pre-approved" application if an element of the application is not approved.

Suggested Trigger

When an application is pre-validated

Suggested Condition

The status of item “Identity card” is not equal to “approved”

Suggested Action

Update application status to “In progress”

Scenario 33 : Change the status of an application when the secondary stakeholder clicks on the "I've finished" button.

Suggested Trigger

When a contact click on button < I’ve finished >

Suggested Condition

Status of application is not equal to “Pre-approved”

Suggested Action

Update application status

Scenario 34 : Notify the manager one day after the case status update.

Suggested Trigger

When an application progress stage is updated

Suggested Pause

Wait until 1 day after this event

Suggested Action

Notify owner of application

Scenario 35 : If the status of the application is in the initial stage, notify the manager two days after the change.

Suggested Trigger

When a contact registers on a portal

Suggested Condition

The stage of this application equal to “Under Review”

Suggested Pause

Wait until 2 days after this event

Suggested Action

Notify owner of application

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