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Online form merge fields
Updated over 4 months ago

Merge Field (Copy & Paste)



Shows the specific field of an online form added to the checklist. (123 should be replaced by the specific field number)

Where to find an item ID ?

You can find the needed IDs in the item editing area.


Repeated fields

In order to add a tag for a repeatable field, you just need to add the rank of the targeted item.

Eg: Use {FORM_FIELD_123.1} for the first found value and {FORM_FIELD_123.2} for the second value.

Merge Field (Copy & Paste)



Shows the content of the first repeated field


Shows the content of the second repeated field

Count of repeated fields

You can also get the number of occurences of the repeated field by using the .count attribute.

Merge Field (Copy & Paste)



Shows the number of occurences of th repeated fields.

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