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Is Clustdoc secure?
Updated over a week ago

Yes, Clustdoc is a secure and reliable solution for your business and your customers.

Clustdoc implements a transparent and customer onboarding process that allows you to professionally manage and scale your company workflows.

Here is how:

A Clustdoc user will have better visibility and understanding of which documents are requested by each member of his team. Moreover, this same user will know when the collection started, ended and who did what at every stage of the process.
Using Clustdoc, you'll also leverage robust security systems to gather documents and information that can be sensitive.

This is not always the case when using DIY processes or juggling between tools to manage a document collection process.

We have implemented multiple actions to protect the data shared between you and your customers, and we continue to work hard to ensure that the software remains a safe and reliable place.

Clustdoc is also complying with the GDPR, which is setting a new gold standard of Data protection, if not the highest in the world.

Your safety is our priority

As we are located in EU, we comply with the highest standards of security and data protection.
Our software complies with the standards of conformity established by the CNIL as well as those imposed by the European Union through the Regulation on Data protection 2016/679.

Servers and networks

All servers running the Clustdoc software in production are recent and continually updated. The Clustdoc service uses the power of AWS platforms, which are very robust and known to be the best on the market.
These are the same infrastructures as companies such as Netflix, Intuit, Airbnb, Wetransfer or General Electric use.

Datacenters in your country

The data centers that manage US customers are located in the United States.
The latter is at the forefront of technology, using innovative architectural and engineering approaches.
Their physical access is strictly controlled both on the perimeter and the construction of entry points by professional security staff using video surveillance, intrusion detection systems, and other electronic means.
Authorized personnel must pass two-factor authentication at least twice to access the data center floors.
Data centers are located in 3 regions: Americas, Asia & Europe.

Documents Storage

Clustdoc stores the documents that you request as metadata. The activity, the original files, and the customer data are split, isolated, and placed in different locations encrypted at rest with the protocol AES-256 in addition to complex management by encryption keys.

Coding and testing methods

Clustdoc leverages the best programming techniques applicable to the software industry. All our products and solutions follow a quality assurance course and our teams work following the OWASP guidelines so that our application meets the latest safety standards.

Customer payment Information

Clustdoc uses the external secure payment processing (Tier 1 PCI being the strictest) and does not store any credit card information. Our internationally recognized partner is responsible for managing this part for us.

Monitoring and system alerts

At Clustdoc, the production application and underlying infrastructure components are monitored all the time by dedicated monitoring systems. The critical alerts generated by these systems are sent to our technical team to resolve them very quickly.

Vulnerability testing

The security of our solution is evaluated by the development team. Vulnerability tests include the use of commonly known WEB application Security tool kits and scanners to identify application vulnerabilities before they are released into production. We are also working with third-party specialists, the area's Cloud infrastructure experts to protect our users and their files.

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