When requesting files through your applications, you can define the type, size, format and the maximum number you'd like to receive. These settings can be defined at a high level while building your Process, or for each line item (except for the size which cannot be defined per line item).
Defining file sizes and formats
Go to the Resources> Processes section page and pick the one you want to configure;
At the bottom of the Configuration>General you'll find the settings for returned files
Add your preferred extensions to the list (or remove the ones you don't accept)
Increase/decrease the size of files accepted
💡 The max for a submitted file is 50Mo/file uploaded. However, we recommend that you and your clients shared files with a max size of 3.0Mo per file.
Specifying a specific format for a single line item
Click on 'Edit' in front of the line item you need to modify
Add/ remove the format of files accepted and confirm
Specifying a maximum number of files for a single line item
In certain situations, it may be useful to limit the maximum number of files that the client can upload.
And to do this:
Click on ‘Edit’ in front of the line item you need to modify
Choose the maximum number of files your client will have to upload (from 1 to 30 or without any limit)